High energy short pulsed CO2 lasers are considered highly effective treatment options for skin resurfacing. However, the high risk for significant treatment complications following CO2 resurfacing has warranted the development of new treatment modalities. The concept of fractional photothermolysis was developed to address the shortcomings of ablative and non-ablative device modalities. This report evaluates a fractional approach to CO2 laser resurfacing for the treatment of moderate to severe acne scarring. The primary endpoint of the study was the overall improvement in the appearance of acne scarring.
The study concludes that fractional deep dermal ablation provides a safe and effective treatment of moderate to severe facial acne scarring. The incidence of adverse side effects and length of subject downtime is significantly less than conventional ablative resurfacing, while approaching similar efficacy. Further studies will help define the optimal treatment parameters and other potential indications for this device.
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